Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thank you, and goodbye

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The project behind this blog has wrapped up - but the work continues.

The information gathered during the study was compiled in a comprehensive report which mapped the way forward for CARICOM to better communicate the CSME to the people of CARICOM.

We appreciate your participation, either by answering questionnaires, meeting with the team or just reading the blog.

There will be no further updates.

Thank you. And goodbye.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

OPINION: Facing our new Caribbean

We share some provocative thoughts from a veteran leader of the regional press in his presentation at a CSME Workshop for Newspaper Editors in Grenada on July 28 and 29.

By Wesley Gibbings
The CARICOM Single Market project runs a very serious risk of running terminally aground if both officialdom and the people of our Community continue to ignore a number of marked shortcomings in the manner in which we have engaged our development.

The first and most important phenomenon is associated with a chronic lack of self-confidence and the concomitant failure to be responsible for ourselves and our own future. This manifests itself in the ease with which we attribute to external factors some rather stark internal deficiencies.

The serious rise in violence and crime is not the fault of foreign television programming, neither is it an exclusive function of the influx of deportees driven out of the United States by an increasingly oppressive immigration regime. There is also no empirical support for the view that the rise in crime, in some of our previously peaceful communities, is the product of a situation in which CARICOM immigrants are becoming more visible – they have always been present.

We are, by and large, producing our own generations of criminals – thugs, deviants and misfits with no rightful place among law-abiding citizens. But because political survival so often relies on blaming someone else for one’s own shortcomings, Caribbean politicians are too easily relying on playing the card of xenophobia and outright bigotry.

The result has been an atmosphere of intolerance, fear and discrimination against those groups in our regional community that have found it fit to seek opportunities in countries within which there are vast similarities and with whom they share similar historical antecedents.

The politicians are not the only ones to blame. When a CARICOM immigration officer exercises an official prerogative to grant a CARICOM visitor a stay of three days when the region’s leaders have agreed to automatic granting of six-month stays – whatever the administrative injunction, that immigration officer is reflecting a pre-disposition that has to be more widely-shared within his or her own national community. By the way, similar attitudes do not, as a matter of course, apply to non-CARICOM visitors in many of our countries.

Another not unrelated factor is the fact that we, as a regional community, have not been managing our greatest strength, our diversity, very well.

This is reflected in both official and unofficial actions designed ostensibly to “protect” what we consider to be social and cultural mores, values and products. Language is one such element. The CARICOM Secretariat has come face-to-face with this through the advent of Suriname and Haiti membership of the Community. But our societies are experiencing grave cognitive dissonance in accepting the fact that not only does our regional community now speak English (as an official language), Bhojpuri, Hindi, Dutch, Sran Tongo, Kweole, Papiamento, Mandarin, Cantonese, Q’eqchi and French, but we need to add Spanish and Portuguese in the cases of previously-unlikely countries such as Guyana, Belize (not as unlikely) and Antigua and Barbuda.

So, what constitutes this “Caribbean culture” we need to “protect”? When short-sighted artistes and cultural entrepreneurs clamour for forced broadcast exposure for a narrow band of largely “traditional” Anglo/African entertainment products created within the small borders of individual territories there appears to a general misunderstanding of who “we” are. “We” are the multitudes of children of modern Chinese and Indian “indentures” (and sometimes slaves) all over the region, Guatemalan and Honduran economic refugees in Belize, Brazilian miners and traders in Guyana and Suriname, Cubans in Jamaica, and Dominicanos demanding ancestral space in Antigua and Barbuda.

Is our Single Market literature reflecting this diversity? When we speak of “we” are we speaking about all of us? Of course not!

Instead, we are practising the same official and unofficial bigotry as our North American neighbours when we continue to deny the existence of our new Caribbean. The Caribbean has to aim at becoming a net beneficiary of “cultural imperialism” by exploiting the wide open markets on North and South America. In the free market of expression, there is space for everyone, but our vision is not extending beyond our tiny, limited markets. This holds true not only for cultural industries and you will see evidence of this in many areas of manufacturing and services.

There is no new aboriginal population about to be decimated in this space, only an expanding universe of experience and opportunity. The Single Market process misunderstands this at its peril.

Veteran Caribbean journalist and writer Wesley Gibbings is president of the Association of Caribbean Media Workers (ACM)

Monday, July 26, 2010

The media and CSME - A story from Antigua

ST JOHN'S - The Antiguan media industry is becoming a main beneficiary of the free movement provisions of the CARICOM Single Market.
And from our brief visit there, it's clear that the media can yet play a vital role in the CSME - not as mere propagandist or cheerleader - but as watchdog and economic player.
Witness the Observer Media Group, owners of the most popular newspaper and radio station in the country (full disclosure: I was once a consultant/trainer to Observer Radio's startup in 2001). Observer employs six CARICOM Skilled Nationals - its General Manager, the acclaimed regional broadcaster, Julian Rogers, a technician and four journalists, from Barbados, Grenada and St Lucia.
And the station is poised to make perhaps its biggest single contribution to regional integration yet - by going regional shortly. According to Observer's chairman, Winston Derrick, it's time to take the dialogue on CSME from the realm of politicians to the domain of the people; in doing so, the CSME will become more relevant to the day-to-day lives of Caribbean people.
Our thanks to the management and staff of Observer Media Group. We also want to thank Holly Peters of the Antigua and Barbuda Chamber of Commerce for facilitating our outreach to key stakeholders in the private sector during our one-day stay in St. John's.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tales from Guyana

GEORGETOWN - First, our thanks to the Ministry of Foreign Trade, and in particular, Sherwin Naughton and the ministry's indefatigable driver, Mr. Softley, for their great support and fine company during our consultation in Guyana.
As we moved around, we met a diverse range of callings and people - football coaches who worked in Guyana through CSME;  a footballer with a convincing Bajan accent who was taking a break in his homeland from plying his trade; a deejay who plays regularly in other Caribbean countries; a racial potpourri of artistes - Indian, African and European who reminded us that music is truly a universal language that cuts through borders and restrictions and regulations; representatives of engineers, craftspeople (thanks for the bottles of Guyanese wine!) and service providers.
Thank you all for your candour, humour and commitment. More on our trip and what we found later.
Next, it was off to Barbados and Antigua and Barbuda for another round-robin series of consultations - journalists, nurses, teachers, NGO leaders,  business and opinion leaders and other Caribbean people who use the CSME's provisions to live and work in the region. We intend to share their stories soon. Our final stop is Kingston - on Wednesday and Thursday, with the assistance of the Government of Jamaica and JAMPRO, Jamaica's export promotion agency.

Friday, July 9, 2010

OPINION: Don’t blame the population for CARICOM’s failures

By Sir Ronald Sanders

Little credit is given to the benefits of regional cooperation. It is seldom, if at all, mentioned by governments in their parliaments or in their media conferences.

Would CARICOM public opinion support the regional integration movement if our people knew more about its benefits? Read Sir Ron's column here and add to the dia-blog....